Monday, October 19, 2015

Motion 3.1, Velocity vs. Time Graphs

Motion 3.1
 Paragraph Summary: A Velocity vs. Time graph represents your displacement over time. If the line is positive you are moving in a positive direction and if the line is negative you are moving in a negative direction ( Example would be a car moving forward and then moving in reverse). The slope of the line also has a big role in a Velocity vs. Time graph. If the slope is zero the object is moving at a constant velocity and if the line is at the zero point on the velocity vs. time graph the object is not moving. Also if the slope is positive then the object has a positive acceleration, and vise versa if the object has a negative slope it has a negative acceleration.

Helpful Pictures:

Image result for velocity over time graph

Force 5.1

Paragraph Summary: A field is an area in space in which 2 objects can interact, therefore force being applied onto the objects. The closer the object is to the center of the field, the stronger the force applied. The larger the object, the larger the dip in space. This creates bigger and stronger fields for the larger objects. This proves that the field strength is directly linked to the force applied on objects within the field.


Link 3



Motion 2.2 Velocity

Motion 1.1
Velocity is a vector quantity which shows speed and direction

Force 4.1

Force 4.1 states that force is a vector quantity, expressed as Newtons, including a magnitude and direction. The abbreviation for a Newton is N. It also includes that a Newton is the force required to accelerate a object that is 1 kg at 1 m/s^2. Force can also be written as kgm/s/s.



Relevant Picture

Velocity Objective 2.2

Motion 2.2

Paragraph Summary:
Velocity is the rate of displacement with time. Velocity is a vector quantity so it has direction and magnitude. Velocity is the total change in position over change in time. Velocity is different from speed, speed is the magnitude of an object. Velocity is measured in meters per second, (m/s). You can find velocity with a PT graph, and then can convert it to a VT graph.




Position Vs. Time, Motion 3.1

Motion 3.1 Position Vs. Time

Paragraph Summary:  Position Vs. Time is a description of how an object changes position in a givin set of time. For example say a car is moving at a speed of 60Mph that means it has a change of position of 60 miles in 1 hour or that simplifies to 1 mile per minute.

Position vs Time graphs

            This is an image of a position vs time graph.

This is another example of a position vs time graph

Force Objective 5.2

Force Fields always exist without the need of interaction with another object. The Sun's gravitational field would still exist even if there weren't any planets near it


